Klee, the command line tool


To show the main help page and list available commands, run klee with no parameters:

$ klee
Usage: klee [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI to interact with Kleened.

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│    --version         Show the version and exit.                                                           │
│    --config          Location of Klee config file.                                                        │
│    --theme           Theme used for Klee's output. Possible values: 'fancy' or 'simple'. Default is       │
│                      'fancy'.                                                                             │
│    --host            Host address and protocol to use. See the docs for details. Default is               │
│                      http:///var/run/kleened.sock.                                                        │
│    --tlsverify bool  Verify the server cert. Uses the CA bundle provided by Certifi, unless tlscacert is  │
│                      set.                                                                                 │
│    --tlscert         Path to TLS certificate file used for client authentication (PEM encoded)            │
│    --tlskey          Path to TLS key file used for the tlscert certificate (PEM encoded)                  │
│    --tlscacert       Trust certs signed only by this CA (PEM encoded). Implies tlsverify.                 │
│    --help            Show this message and exit.                                                          │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│  container  Manage containers                                                                             │
│  image      Manage images                                                                                 │
│  network    Manage networks                                                                               │
│  volume     Manage volumes                                                                                │
╭─ Shortcuts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│  build    Build a new image                                                                               │
│  create   Create a new container.                                                                         │
│  exec     Run a command in a container                                                                    │
│  start    Start one or more stopped containers.                                                           │
│  stop     Stop one or more running containers                                                             │
│  restart  Restart one or more containers                                                                  │
│  run      Run a command in a new container.                                                               │
│  isX      Inspect object, where X is [c]ontainer, [i]mage, [n]etwork, or [v]olume.                        │
│  rmX      Remove one or more objects, where X is [c]ontainer, [i]mage, [n]etwork, or [v]olume.            │
│  lsX      List object, where X is [c]ontainer, [i]mage, [n]etwork, or [v]olume.                           │

The Commands panel list the available commands, each having their own set of subcommands. The Shortcuts panel list convenient shortcuts to subcommands, e.g., klee build is a shortcut for klee image build and so on. The last entries in the shortcut panel refer to several shortcuts covering all objects in Kleene. For instance, lsX is an abbreviation for the shortcuts: lsc, lsi, lsn and lsv.


Depending on your Klee system configuration, you may be required to prefix the klee command with sudo. The simples way to avoid using sudo with the klee command, is to make an alias alias klee='sudo klee'. However, sudo is still required even though it does not need to be typed explictly. Alternatively, expose Kleened through a TCP-socket which requires some additional security-considerations. Read more about this here.

Using Klee’s help functionality

Printing the help page of a command is generally done by running the command without any parameters or by passing the --help flag.

However, the subcommands klee <command> ls and klee <command> prune only support the --help method since they are valid command invocations without any parameters specified.


$ klee run --help
Usage: klee run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND]...

  Run a command in a new container.


╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│  -u  --user text    Default user used when running commands in the container. This parameter will be     │
│                     overwritten by the jail parameter exec.jail_user if it is set.                       │
│  -e  --env          Set environment variables (e.g. --env FIRST=SomeValue --env SECOND=AnotherValue)     │
│  -m  --mount list   Mount a volume/directory/file on the host filesystem into the container. Mounts are  │
│                     specfied using a --mount SOURCE:DESTINATION[:rw|ro] syntax.                          │
│  -J  --jailparam    Specify one or more jail parameters to use. If you do not want mount.devfs,          │
│                     exec.clean, and exec.stop="/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown" enabled, you must actively      │
│                     disable them                                                                         │
│  -P  --persist      Do not remove this container when pruning                                            │
│      --restart      Restarting policy of the container. Set to no for no automatic restart of the        │
│                     container. Set to on-startup to start the container each time Kleened is  [default:  │
│                     no]                                                                                  │
│  -l  --driver       Network driver of the container. Possible values: ipnet, host, vnet, and disabled.   │
│                     If no network and no network driver is supplied, the network driver is set to host.  │
│                     If a network is specfied but no network driver, it is set to ipnet,                  │
│  -n  --network      Connect container to this network.                                                   │
│      --ip           IPv4 address used for the container. If omitted, an unused ip is allocated from the  │
│                     IPv4 subnet of --network.                                                            │
│      --ip6          IPv6 address used for the container. If omitted, an unused ip is allocated from the  │
│                     IPv6 subnet of --network.                                                            │
│  -d  --detach       Do not output STDOUT/STDERR to the terminal. If this is set, Klee will exit and      │
│                     return the container ID when the container has been started.                         │
│  -i  --interactive  Send terminal input to container's STDIN. If set, --detach will be ignored.          │
│  -t  --tty          Allocate a pseudo-TTY                                                                │
│      --name         Assign a name to the container                                                       │
│  -p  --publish      Publish one or more ports using the syntax                                           │
│                     <HOST-PORT>[:CONTAINER-PORT][/<PROTOCOL>] or                                         │
│                     <INTERFACE>:<HOST-PORT>:<CONTAINER-PORT>[/<PROTOCOL>]. CONTAINER-PORT defaults to    │
│                     HOST-PORT and PROTOCOL defaults to 'tcp'.                                            │
│      --help         Show this message and exit.                                                          │

Using Klee options

Single character command line options can be combined, so rather than typing klee run -i -t --name test FreeBSD:latest /bin/sh, you can write klee run -it --name test FreeBSD:latest /bin/sh.

Option types

Many optinons in Klee have been annotated with a type. A typed option provides a convention for how it can be used, which is described in the following.


Flag options take the form -d, --detach, --tty. Setting a flag will enable some functionality that would be otherwise unset. The help text describes what will happen if the flag i used.

$ klee build --quiet .


Bool options are similar to flags, with the following exceptions:

  • Bools can be both enabled or disabled, unlike flags that can only be enabled.
  • Bools can be enabled by default.

Bool options can be disabled by using no- in front of the option name. For example, if --dns is the enabled form, --no-dns means it is disabled.


You can specify list options like --env <some value> multiple times in a single command line, for example in this command:

$ klee run --env SOME_VAR=value1 --env SOME_OTHER_VAR=value2 FreeBSD:latest /bin/bash

Strings and Integers

Options like --name "a_string" expect a string, and they can only be specified once. If the string does not contain special characters it does not require quoting, i.e, --name a_string. Usually, an untyped option is a string.

Options like -c=0 expect an integer, and they can only be specified once.